August 24th-27th 2012 :: Theme: Evolution
This is our Ludum Dare #24 Jam Entry.
In the year of our Lord 2012 a human being is sitting at his desk. This human being is called Karl.
Since the very beginning of his unpleasant life Karl had nothing to
do than sitting at this very desk and playing video games / doing
computer stuff.
He often feels this strange sensation, that something in his life is just... wrong.
Help Karl to evolve! Lead him through his life to fix it. Lead him to evolution. Even Karl can find someone to grow old with.
Unfortunately we ran out of time while making this game, which means that many possibilites stayed unused.
And Karl doesn't have a loading screen, which means that starting the game can take some seconds with nothing on screen.
Nevertheless: have fun with our game!
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#1171 | Coolness | 0% |

was a lot of dialog and scenes for three days of work. I though it was
really clever and brought me back years to these games.
One thing maybe your humor crossed into a bit of the low brow creepy side but otherwise very nice.
One thing I don't Richard Simmons could get a couple of chicks?? Weird
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So, you think kill a person is bad? O_O crazy b*** lol
Kinda weird way of giving shape to a graphic adventure with good and bad ways based on ...girls :D
message to humanity: forget computer and go outside?! nice ^^